★・・・・・・★ Setting Up ★・・・・・・★ At the beginning of the game, you cannot yet move or interact with anyone until you are finished setting up.
(I will eventually make this mobile-friendly) Click the Start button to begin your game. Press any key to turn the page and press space to return to the menu. If you want to take a look at the credits to the game, click the Credit button. Otherwise, if you're a day old kit and you fall off, you're going to be in the medicine cat's care for a while. Click this to disable falling off cliffs and injuring yourself. Recommended for first-time players is the Toggle Easy Jump button under the Credit button.
If you are playing in PC, don't worry about it as long as it shows the PC symbol.
The Kit to Leader game manual Unfortunately, now we have a character limit on Instructions :| ★・・・・・・★ Menu ★・・・・・・★ If you are on mobile, click the laptop on the bottom left to change it into a phone (still in testing).